La vida de un Adorador

Un ADORADOR es una persona que a escogido servir al Dios todo poderoso y refleja la luz de Jesus y vive solo para El.

jueves, marzo 30, 2006


This is my sister in law Amelia and her husband Bejamin at Amelia's Baby Shower.

Opening the gifts that everybody gave her.

The cake was delicious.....Hmmm.hmmmm.

This are from right to left, My son Gabriel, David, My niece Amanda, My niece Rosemary, and My nephew Jorge.

This are Abel and Benjamin (they are brothers) Playing the role of Amelia's having the Baby.

lunes, marzo 13, 2006


Esta es una foto de la Iglesia a donde asisto. Este es el grupo de alabanza que tengo el privilegio de dirigir. Mi cuñada Erika esta ministrando la alabanza. Todavia faltan mas personas pero talves en otra ocacion les tomare fotos.

martes, marzo 07, 2006


This are my 2 angel. I love them so much, i just pray to God to take good care of them.